Since Graham's in the running for one of my favorite villagers in the game, it was natural that Avril would tell him he was totally cool. He was happy to know he hadn't lost it, which is more than what I can say for myself.
Also, my timing must have been good to catch Avril in mid-blink in both of these pictures.
Then things suddenly took a turn for the downhill when Gracie decided to show her face around Mabure again, and Avril showed her displeasure with only the most appropriate facial expression (actually just another example at my excellent timing at picture taking). At least it was one more chance to get this atrocious fashion check sidequest over and done with.
...Unfortunately, it would be especially bad today. I'll get to that in just a little bit.
Upon talking to Wendy, she was asked if she ever dreamed of becoming a star. Despite her fabulous princess getup right now, Avril was content with being known as the mayor of Mabure and told Wendy so. Wendy responded by being egocentric.
Rocco needed some help returning a borrowed item to Graham. It was an easy task to accomplish, and so Avril accepted.
As it turned out, Graham wanted to talk to Avril first. He wanted to have Avril come over to his house at some point.
Well, no sense in rejecting (especially since Gracie was very, very likely to have a negative impact on her mood and Graham would help immensely in bringing that back up), so the visit was scheduled for 6:30.
Of course, she then needed to talk to Graham again, but not before catching a marauding mosquito that would have otherwise created unpleasantness.
Graham then gave her a...compliment? I'm not sure how one is supposed to react to being compared to cucumbers. Then again, it could be taken to mean Graham thinks Avril is looking cool in the slang sense...never mind, I'm overthinking it.
Graham made a small jab at Rocco's age before putting the item away. I never got to see just what it was, unfortunately. At least it didn't turn out that he'd bought an extra.
Either way, the reward was a well, which Avril might actually keep around.
As it turns out the rococo series actually does count as a special series; these spotlight announcements are one of the few places you can get one. That being said, Avril didn't actually purchase the item this time around, although I considered getting it for Danielle.
For once I manage to catch an attempted move on camera. This time Bob wanted to leave.
Of course I wasn't about to let him, disagreeing heavily with the statement that he's seen everything (no he definitely hasn't; I'm not quite done with everything I want to do yet). So Avril gave him a reminder that he and everyone else in Mabure at the moment is here forever.
Then she got around to telling Rocco she had given Graham his item back. He made a jab at his memory in the process. I get the feeling they don't get along that well.
And here's the well Graham gave Avril for her trouble. If the basement wasn't a dedicated storage area then she'd probably put it down there, but as it's full she put it in her closet (and as it happens it's starting to get full again).
Today's K.K. song was a repeat (Wandering), and so was the daily fortune. I actually got this exact fortune yesterday. At least the reward was somewhat fitting for Avril's new look?
After going through the Able Sisters and Kicks looking for items with vibes she was lacking on (particularly Modern) and not having much luck, Avril went to visit Bluebear. She wanted a peach, which Avril brought to her and for her efforts received a polka-dot lamp.
Flo was the last villager who happened to be in town at that moment, and tried selling Avril a CD shelf. Unlike with that scary painting last night, Avril was not interested in this item and told her so. Flo tried lowering the price, to the same response. The end result was that she got fed up and just gave Avril the item for free, completely misunderstanding that it wasn't the price that was turning Avril off. Ah well. Maybe it'd be something Graham might like?
Sadly, that was it as far as distractions go. With no further reasons for putting it off, it was time to talk to....
...Gracie. Dun, dun, dun.
So, what was the look the oh-so-lovable giraffe was looking for today?
OH *BEEP* YOU GRACIE. *BEEP* YOU. Actually, I take that back. You're so despicable you don't even deserve that.
Explanation time: Items with a "modern" vibe are in very, very short supply. Most of them are tops, and a good chunk of them (including one of a mere two accessories) come from Gracie herself, which of course she's not going to just give up for free. So already trying to meet the modern look is a pain in the rear.
But it gets worse. Since they're so uncommon they're not likely to show up in the shops. Today was no exception - Neither the Able Sisters nor Kicks had any modern items on display today, not even in Camazotz (which would have actually given me an excuse to bring Avril over there). Also, I don't have WiFi here, so that automatically rules out asking someone else if they have modern items.
I did have two items I could wear to meet the modern vibe, but Gracie demands a full outfit as she oh-so-lovingly informed me last time she was here, and to pass the check most of the outfit needs to be her specified vibe. Two out of potentially six clothing items doesn't sound like "most of the outfit" to me.
So yeah. Today's an automatic fail. I have no way of passing this check.
...Why, why, why is this stupid sidequest mandatory for T&T Emporium?! Why can't Gracie just open her own shop separately from the Nooklings? I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE Gracie and everything she *beep*ing stands for! NYARGLEBARGLE.
I do think it says a lot that Gracie's the only thing about this game that makes me blow a gasket. Not even that fruitless quest to catch a napoleonfish yesterday got me this annoyed.
*Sighs* Alright, rant over. Back to the main update.
Since Avril couldn't do anything about Gracie today, I decided to just not bother with the *beep*ing giraffe and switched to Nagako to kill some time before heading over to Graham's place.
Apparently that peach Avril gave her wasn't enough for Bluebear as she soon demanded some more fruit from Nagako. Thankfully for her Nagako had a spare perfect apple in her closet that was still good. The reward was actually a fairly fitting mochi pestle.
Nagako also managed to catch Eloise visiting Wendy's place. Guess they were swapping tips about fashion. Neither of them had anything interesting to say though.
Savannah happened to be walking around Mabure's famous massive violet patch today. When Nagako spoke to her, she requested something to replace her stained-glass lamp. While she had ideas, Nagako didn't get on the job immediately.
Instead she went to talk to Flo, who wanted an ocean fish for studying. I guess Mabure didn't get the memo that Nagako is a bug person, not a fish person (though I do spend an awful lot of time fishing with her for some reason).
But that didn't matter, as conveniently enough, Nagako had just such a fish on her person at that moment. In fact, not only did she have a fish, she had a rare fish - a saw shark. Flo was awfully surprised to receive something like that.
In fact, she was so overjoyed that she gave Nagako her picture. This in turn came as a surprise to me, as I didn't think Flo and Nagako were all that close (since Rocco was the one hosting Nagako's birthday party, I thought he was the one Nagako was closest to).
Regardless of the truth, Nagako immediately went home and found a place for it in her house. I don't think it's the most convenient place for it, but whatever.
I know I could expand Nagako's house at this point, but I just haven't because it feels wrong (the idea was to keep Nagako and Rosaline around the same level as the villagers, though they get bigger houses for being playable characters). Plus she's at the point where the only way to expand is to add extra rooms, and that's a little annoying when one has visitors over.
With that out of the way, I also felt the need to display the mochi pestle. It actually looks a bit more out of place than the name implies, and Nagako doesn't really have room for it anyway. She put it away, and looked through her closet for something to give Savannah....
Since the Savannah in Mabure has a thing for ecology, Nagako decided to bring her a diving beetle she randomly had taking up space in her closet. The thing thankfully was still alive, which is amazing considering how long it had been in there.
For her trouble Nagako got another piece of furniture that fit in with her house. The problem, again, was that she didn't have room for it.
Apparently, bloodsucking pests are trendy in Mabure. First there was the bunch of villagers who wanted fleas, and now this.
Well, there are some bugs even Nagako doesn't want anything to do with, and since Graham wanted it she was happy to hand over that mosquito. I forget what Graham gave her in return due to the memory failure I mentioned in the last update, though I think it was wallpaper.
Nagako's day ended off with her testing out the bench Savannah gave her. She already had a fair few exotic items in her home, and she would have added the bench to them if only she had the room. Alas, it was not to be.
It was getting about that time for Avril to visit Graham, so I switched over to her. After talking to Eloise (properly, since previously she was up in T.I.Y.) and catching an annoying mosquito, it came time for the visit.
Graham was standing right by the door waiting to welcome her like the gentleman hamster he was.
His house is...quite a departure from what it originally was. He still has the cardboard table and sloppy stereo he came here with, but that's about it. It doesn't look that bad all things considered, though it does look like he's in desperate need of a bed (no wonder he fell asleep standing up last night).
Also worth noting: he has a flea and a mosquito. Guess he didn't argue with the trends of the day.
The visit went splendidly, and as expected did a fair bit to ease the fouling that *beep*ing giraffe left on Avril's mood. He even made a few bad puns (although that's normally Rocco's job in town).
Somehow, I think most of the villagers are a little too hard on themselves when you tell them their house is great. Granted, Graham's room does need a little work, but it's not completely atrocious. Then again, if it was completely atrocious I still wouldn't tell him that since I'm not that kind of person.
Afterwards, Avril took one last look around town to speak with some animals that slipped under her rader the first time around. The most notable was Coach...who apparently thought Avril's real name was something strange to call her. Naturally, Avril didn't have any complaints about being called that.
Then Flo came up to her and requested some cool furniture. I'm not sure I completely agree with Bob's assessment of Flo's house, but whatever.
Since Avril had a bunch of stuff in her basement that was going unused, she decided to grab something from there to give to Flo. The thin in question was a gyroid - a mega plinkoid, to be specific. It might have been a little too bright for Flo's house, and Flo seemed a little perlexed at the idea of a gyroid, but it apparently got the job done.
Her reward was an alpine shelf. I actually kind of like the alpine series, though I'm not certain if I'll actually use this shelf or not.
Shortly afterwards my 3DS's battery ran low and it came time to put it on the charger. Sadly, this meant that Rosaline didn't get to come out and play today. I feel bad about shafting her, so no doubt I'll dedicate a future update to her at some point.
Until the next one, folks.