Business in Camazotz has been chugging along at its usual pace.
In a strange coincidence, Graham is Avril's closest neighbor in Mabure just as Keaton is Danielle's. In both of my towns I've got a smug villager living right next to my mayor. Not that I'm complaining.
In doing the daily routine, Danielle managed to find and catch a centipede. Like I mentioned, I have major trouble finding these rock bugs, so that's one thing out of the way. Also, centipedes are one of the few arthropods in real life that creep me out. And this is coming from someone who has no problem with spiders.
A special visitor appeared in Camazotz for the third day in a row, and today it was Katrina. Danielle didn't go to see her, and I'm not certain if I will before the day ends or not. Since Danielle has the lovely phone, the only reason to go see Katrina is to get her shop on Main Street. Plus, Danielle still doesn't have enough clothing to have a good chance of having whatever her lucky item is.
Goose pinged Danielle and asked her for a new greeting. I decided to be decidedly unoriginal and went with the pictured catchphrase. Originally I was going to go with the even more unoriginal "cock-a-doodle-doo," but besides the fact that I couldn't fit that last "O" in the game didn't like that for what I hope are obvious reasons.
As Danielle went around tending to her business, she stumbled upon this funny scene. I guess some days you get the pitfall, and other days the pitfall gets you.
Speaking of T-Bone, I've decided to stop talking to him and Tiffany. Since Camazotz will soon be full in terms of random move-ins, I want those two to leave, and I've found ignoring villagers is the best way to go about doing that without relying on time-travel shenanigans. So this is the last you'll see of the two unless one of the other villagers wants Danielle to give something to one of them.
Speaking of which, Keaton wasn't even properly settled before the ninth villager decided to stake out a plot. This is probably the fastest I've ever seen anyone move in.
Camazotz's last villager is named Becky, and that's about all I know about her. I vaguely remember seeing a cow by that name while looking around for potential choices for Mabure's tenth villager last night, but I'm not positive on that all. I'm doing my best not to spoil myself this time, and I'd prefer it stay that way until she moves in tomorrow.
Nookling Junction had a turntable on display, and Danielle decided she liked it better than her current phonograph.
The final big event of the day was the grand opening of Camazotz's gardening shop.
Sadly, it was a little too small to get a good picture of the proprietor Leif. I wonder if his last name is Erikson? Totally not stealing that joke from someone, nope.
At any rate, Danielle cleared out the whole shop as there's a reward for buying fifty flowers and fifty saplings, both of which make tending to the town quite a bit easier.
While nothing in either of the Able Sisters' shops was interesting enough to buy, Sable's really starting to warm up to Danielle if this long exchange is anything to go by.
With the daily shopping done, Danielle decided to make this mostly a money-making day as not only was there a loan that needed paid off public works projects would soon be a thing. I'll get to more about the theme for Camazotz later on down the road.
Of course, she didn't neglect donating things to the museum and caught quite a few new bugs. The orchid mantis in particular is something I wanted to point out. It's tricky finding these things; while I'm not sure how rare or common they are, they're very hard to see and I find I scare them off before I realize they're there.
Shortly after catching the mantis (or maybe a while afterwards; I don't quite remember), Merengue pinged Danielle with the request of delivering something to Clay.
Clay was overjoyed to have the delivery. He seemed even more exciting to see that it was a new shirt.
In fact, he was so happy he changed into it on the spot. I think I liked his default outfit better, but whatever. Danielle's reward was a second one-ball tee.
Merengue was just as happy to hear that Clay enjoyed the gift.
Once the daily routine was completely finished and no one else was pinging her, Danielle went to speak with Freckles, mostly to apologize for forgetting about her yesterday. Freckles, for her part, made up for that by asking if Danielle wanted to come over to her house right that second. Danielle figured, "Hey, why not?"
It actually took me a minute or two to remember which one of these houses was Freckles's, which makes her comment in this picture kind "ironic" the right word? I don't know.
Either way, the visit went thankfully well. I don't know if her music player was there before or not, but either way it was there now and was playing K.K. Song. Not certain if I really like that song or not, really (though it's worth noting it was a secret song in previous Animal Crossings if I remember correctly).
Also present was the boxed figurine Danielle had given her some days ago. It actually fit fairly well with the rest of her furniture.
I don't know, Freckles. I imagine most folks would take pity on someone who lives in a bathroom, though that also implies the person living in the bathroom is there because s/he doesn't have any other choice. Who knows what's going through the mind of someone who's intentionally living in one.
And Freckles apparently thinks herself a pop star. First off, being a star implies people know about you, and considering Danielle completely forgot about her yesterday I don't think being that egoistical is a good idea. Then again, is it ever a good idea?
Danielle still had one more villager to talk to, though, and so she had to bid Freckles farewell. She told her that her house was great (which it is; it's difficult to say a house looks bad when everything in it goes so well together, even if it is a bathroom) and went on her merry way.
Shari was home again. It seems like I've only seen her outside of her house once since she moved in. Maybe she's just shy?
Either way, she didn't have anything interesting to say. Just some more tutorial mode stuff. I guess she didn't get the memo that Danielle already knows about this stuff.
The rest of the day was just Danielle fishing and catching bugs for the sake of making bells (she did catch a boot, although I didn't think to take a picture of it. I guess it had to happen eventually considering the beautiful town ordinance isn't enacted).
A few more villagers pinged her while she was out and about, however.
Freckles, this time, wanted to try out her "psychic powers" on her after testing them out on Goose earlier. I don't think she or any other peppy villagers really have such powers; Animal Crossing just isn't one of those games. But Danielle played along anyway.
Freckles asked her what she first thought of when she thought of the town. For the lols, I chose the last option: "You, Freckles!" I don't remember what the first two options were, other than that they weren't things that came to mind when I thought of Camazotz.
Freckles reacted by spazzing the heck out. I love choosing that option whenever it shows up. The villagers' reactions to it are always so funny.
The last notable conversation was with Goose, who wanted to know who the strongest in Camazotz was. I believe T-Bone or Merengue would be the actual strongest by virtue of being a bull and a rhino, respectively (both animals are certainly stronger than a rooster at any rate), but they weren't options. The options were Freckles, Tiffany, Goose himself, and Danielle.
Again for the lols, Danielle went with the least likely option: Freckles. Goose seemed a little shocked that she'd say that. Also adding to the amusement factor was that the duck herself just so happened to be standing right there while this conversation was going on.
Then it just got silly when Goose actually agreed to some extent. Of course, since Jocks are just as egoistical as the peppy villagers he assumed he was the actual strongest. Meanwhile, Freckles just shook her head and kept on walking.
You're a chicken, Goose (boy that sounds strange out of context). Are you certain you could do that? Actually, Danielle's pretty lightweight I imagine. Now, if you can lift Merengue or T-Bone over your head you can call me impressed.
At any rate, it appears Danielle's sarcasm flew (no pun intended) right over Goose's head. With that, the conversation was over.
While I'll probably play with Camazotz more later on (I did enact the Night Owl ordinance; might as well make use of it) I probably won't be making a separate update for it unless something really notable happens. Otherwise, tomorrow we'll get to meet Becky, and maybe see if anything else interesting is happening around Camazotz.
Until the next one, folks.
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