I was going to skip a Mabure update today, but a lot more than I expected wound up happening.
First off, I've been doing the villager reset trick to get a villager in my campsite so Mabure can finally have a tenth villager. While I've been tempted a few times (among others, I've had Jacques, Whitney, Pekoe, Pietro, and Molly), my heart is essentially set on one of four villagers.
One of the four is Marina, who I've been wanting for a while as I mentioned in my first Mabure update. However, after thinking about it, I've become convinced she'd fit better among the weirdness in Camazotz than Mabure. I'll still happily take her if she appears before the other three, but I'm not dead set on her like I used to be. Who are the other three? If one of them shows up before Marina does, then you'll see. Otherwise I guess I'll mention them once Marina is safely in Mabure.
But enough of that; onto today's update.
First off, Avril had all the letters she could carry, yet had a new letter in her mailbox. On her way to the post office to store the excess letters, she caught sight of someone she was not happy to see.
No, it wasn't Bluebear. If I disliked her I wouldn't have invited her into Mabure in the first place; she first appeared in my campsite after all.
Anyway, she pinged Avril with a hankering for cherries, and Avril dutifully went and fetched her one.
The reward was a blue vase. I guess Bluebear always has blue on her mind (although I think I've given her some green furniture before).
The blue vase actually looks pretty nice. Sadly, Avril doesn't have any free room in her house to put it, which means it's going to wind up in her closet. I really need to empty it out and organize it again; it's almost full.
Now, that someone I'm not thrilled to see? It's none other than....
...Gracie. If there's anyone in this game I legitimately hate (not just dislike, hate), it's Gracie. Those fashion checks are so annoying, especially if you're someone like me who almost never keeps track of what style their clothing is.
The bright side is that Avril's completed one of these checks before and after this will be halfway to the first prerequisite of T&T Emporium. On the other hand...why is this mandatory at all for T&T Emporium? Couldn't Gracie just set up her own shop completely independent of the Nooklings?
*Sigh* Enough ranting. Due to the above mentioned reasons, Avril put off talking to Gracie until there was literally almost nothing else to do.
On her way back to Main Street, she noticed and pulled a flea off Bluebear, who naturally wasn't pleased to have one on her. She does clean every day, y'know (although maybe using ginger ale as soap wasn't such a good idea).
T.I.Y. had Wandering for the daily K.K. song, which Avril bought as she liked the sound of it yet didn't already own it. I think that's the only new song I've seen this week.
Also present was a fortune cookie, which have gotten rare due to the firworks stuff taking their place most of the time. I usually try to buy these every day they're available.
But sadly they usually turn out to either be duds or stuff I already have, and today was no different.
To to be fair, it's been a while since I got a Yoshi's Egg out of them. It's not as annoying as getting the exact same thing two or more days in a row (which I've had happen before).
Also present in the shop was Eloise, though I didn't take a picture of their conversation.
Most of the villagers just commented on random things, but Bob actually had a favor to ask of Avril - he wanted to record a cicada's chirping, and needed a cicada for that purpose. At the time Bob asked this, however, it was too late to catch one of the super-common cicadas. There was only one bug in the family that was still available at the time.
Since that bug would take a while to find due to being rare, however, Avril decided to take care of it later. Sadly, that also meant there was nothing else to do before she had to handle...
Gracie's fashion check. Yay.
Thankfully, Gracie wanted to see a basic style this visit. That Avril could handle; a surprising amount of her usual clothing is that style. If nothing else, it's much more manageable than official or especially modern.
The outfit Avril went for consisted of the HHA Tee, a black formal skirt, white socks, and brown pumps. She took the flower out of her hair before going to see Gracie as I'm not sure what flowers count as style-wise and there's a few things the basic style will clash with.
She initially didn't bother with accessories as she had none of the basic series, but to her dismay Gracie told her she needed one before she would do the fashion check.
*Grumble* Why is this mandatory.
Avril settled on a "cute" accessory and hat. This better make you happy, Gracie.
Thankfully it did the trick. Gracie even approved of mixing cute and basic styles.
For accomplishing it so expertly, Avril was awarded one of Gracie's special furniture series. Mission accomplished. Two checks down...two more to go. Why.
The Gracie bench looks like this. It's not bad looking I suppose, though again Avril didn't have much room for it. So she put it in her closet, and started looking for something different than her usual outfit to wear. I do have an idea for a new outfit for her, but I didn't have any black shirts that would accomplish my plan. So I went to go put her usual outfit back on....
Suddenly, random surprise visit! Bad timing Graham; Avril's changing right now.
Avril decided that just taking the silly mustache off was enough to look presentable and the unexpected visit went well enough.
Graham didn't stay for too awful long; just long enough to have a few brief discussions with Avril. I do like these visits; they add quite a bit more flavor to the game. It's also nice that they don't take as long as scheduled visits do; it's a bit inconvenient having to show visitors every room of your house before they'll leave, especially when it's a room you'd rather not show them (the basement, in Avril's case).
While finishing up the last remaining business of the night (catching Bob a cicada), Savannah came up to Avril and asked if she thought her catchphrase was worth changing. Avril thought "y'all" (her default catchphrase) was good enough and Savannah decided to stop worrying about it.
She did steal Eloise's catchphrase once, but besides that it's been "y'all" since I started the town.
The only member of the cicada family available at this hour was the lantern fly. Technically it's only related to cicadas and not a cicada itself, at least as far as I know, but for the game's purposes it'd do. Although lantern flies also aren't anywhere near as loud as cicadas are; I don't even know if they make any noise at all. Hopefully Bob won't be too disappointed.
He accepted the lantern fly anyway and rewarded Avril with a night-sky tee. I believe I have this shirt already, but it's a nice-looking shirt and might work for that new outfit I'm planning. Afterwards, she headed on home and went to bed, finished for the day.
Mabure updates are going to get more and more sparse as the blog goes on. Like I keep saying, the town's fairly well-established. I'm not quite done landscaping it yet, but I'm still not quite sure where to put everything. At any rate, it's not moving at the same pace Camazotz is. Not that I'm actually going to stop writing about it altogether, oh no. We'll see what the future holds for it.
Until the next one, folks.
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