Writing introductions for these posts is starting to get difficult. Let's just cut to the chase, yes?
Anyway, Merengue let Danielle know she liked her outfit. Why thank you Merengue, even though it's not likely Danielle will be wearing it for her entire tenure as mayor.
Freckles, meanwhile, decided she wanted a catfish. Danielle accepted the task, although since at this time catfish weren't out she put it on the back burner for later.
Speaking of Freckles, she sent Danielle a lucky black cat for visiting her house yesterday. Danielle still had it on her person when Clay caught sight of it. He tried offering Danielle a refrigerator for it.
Unfortunately for him Danielle didn't think it a fair trade and turned him down. Besides, I don't think it'd fit in with his decor.
Today's bulletin simply announced this week's fireworks show. I'm not covering it in either Camazotz's or Mabure's update tomorrow since I covered it last Sunday. There's nothing new to show.
What is new to show is the newcomer. Becky got her house up and moved in properly. From the exterior it looked like my guess of "cow" was going to be correct.
It turned out she's a chicken. A snooty chicken, at that.
Well, she isn't anywhere near as freaky as Tiffany; quite the contrary, in fact. The problem is that I already have a chicken in the form of Goose and I really don't want repeat animals even if their personalities are different. Since she's also really out of the way, she's not going to be a permanent resident of Camazotz.
Man, I don't like either my cranky or either of my snooties. Here's hoping I have better luck when they move out and get replaced by other villagers.
Speaking of chickens, Goose happened to be home and so Danielle dropped by. He commented on the fact that the villagers spoke of her as a fish-and-bug star. Well, she didn't remain a "freshman mayor" for long, didn't she?
Well, she had been catching lots of fish and bugs lately. So Danielle accepted the label with pride.
Choosing to ignore T-Bone and Tiffany as per usual, and since Shari wasn't awake at this point, Danielle tended to the flowers. During this, Merengue pinged her and gave her the gift of a red gym tee. This gets a little silly later on.
She also caught Keaton fishing off a cliff. He hasn't been here for a day and he's already getting himself into funny moments. I think I'll keep him around.
After she could do everything she could, I turned the game off and did other things. When I came back, Danielle went to speak to Shari...who happened to be home. Again. At least this time she had a visitor in the form of Clay.
Gee Shari, maybe you'd get an answer to that question if you'd leave your house sometimes. I did talk to Clay again, although he didn't have anything interesting to say.
Since the Able Sisters weren't open when Danielle was doing the routine earlier, she stopped by later to find the fact that Sable had not only warmed up to her, she actually looked forwards to seeing her. Progress is being made.
Oh my, Shari's actually outside! Quick, someone get her to the doctor. Something's clearly wrong with her.
The load was enough to give Danielle enough money to pay off her third home loan. She immediately went to Nook's to tell him the news, although she didn't expand again just yet. Her house still has a fair amount of room.
Instead she tended to mayoral business by starting work on Camazotz's first PWP: the campsite. Becky moved in about where I planned on placing it initially, but I decided on another location. When I get her to move, the spot where she's at is where I'll place the lighthouse when I get that PWP.
The new spot sat right at the bend of the river, where the large pool gathered. Not that you can see much of it in this picture.
Either way, Isabelle didn't have a problem with the spot and so fenced off the area and enabled the collection of donations. Danielle dropped 10,000 bells into it right off the bat, but wouldn't fully pay it off until later.
Since it was time for the catfish to come out, Danielle went to keep that promise to Freckles. As it turned out, the first fish she caught at the pool was the catfish she sought.
But maybe she shouldn't have bothered. Freckles wound up giving her a second red gym tee. Somehow I didn't notice this during the actual playtime; maybe I'm just that oblivious. As to what happened to the first red gym tee from Merengue...I don't know. I might have sold it along with the first load of fish.
Either way, it actually doesn't look that bad. Danielle kept it around in the event she found some more clothing to pair it with later.
After this I switched over to Mabure just to make sure everything was all right there. I didn't intend to make an update about it, but every time I think that I find a ton of stuff happens. What's really notable about the day's events is that they actually had an effect on Camazotz.
The main effect was that Danielle obtained enough bells to finish paying off the campsite. Good thing too; Isabelle isn't going to be willing to work tomorrow because of the ruddy fireworks show.
I don't have anybody particular in mind for Camazotz's tenth villager. I do have a few ideas, but at the moment the tenth will be "whoever shows up and appeals to me first." We'll see who that villager winds up being, assuming they get here before the settled villagers decide to start leaving.
I decided to end the day here, but not before taking a last look around. As it turned out, Tiffany wanted to talk to Danielle. I was hoping that she would be moving soon, but it just turned out she wanted to give Danielle a new nickname.
...Well, I should have expected something like this when I gave my character a name starting with "D." These animals cannot come up with a good nickname, can they?
For obvious reasons Danielle rejected it and was happy enough to be called by her real name.
And that's all for Camazotz. While I've come up with plans for the current layout of the town, it's been getting more and more tempting to just reset the place and start over from the square one. While Merengue and Shari were nice surprises and I think I'm going to really like Keaton, the selection of animals has otherwise been a bit disappointing.
On the other hand, I still think the current iteration is salvagable, and I'm really not in the mood to go through the tutorials, re-submit all the stuff to the museum, etc. So for now I don't plan on starting over, but that might change if things don't improve soon.
Until the next one, folks.
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