The first notable happening was Bruce inviting Madeline over to his place. She accepted, mostly for one reason and one reason only....
....To find that he'd replaced his radio with an agrias butterfly. Great design choice there, Bruce. Okay, this really wasn't it.
The real reason was to get Bruce to part with his garbage can so Madeline didn't have to visit him every time she wanted to chuck out the trash she fished up. 450 bells later it was hers.
Fortunately Bruce's place didn't suffer for the lack of it, though he seemed to think she was being a little too nice when she said it was awesome.
While I'm at it, here's Madeline's newly expanded house after some rearrangement. Now it's much less cramped and better for it.
One of the biggest two happenings of the day: Nookling Junction is expanding after Madeline made sure to buy an item each day. It's certainly happening a lot faster than it did in Camazotz.
But before doing any real shopping she first got her fossils assessed and then went to confirm her house's renovation was complete. That loan would take a bit of effort to pay off completely, however.
Getting the news of expansion straight from the horse's (or tanuki's, rather) mouth.
She bought something again that day, although this time it was mostly because the cabin bed was an improvement on the common bed.
The other biggest happening of the day: Kicks has started construction, again at a much earlier date than Camazotz. It'll be a few days before it opens up, however.
Mira wanted to change her catchphrase from her default "cottontail," and as I felt she did look like a hero (in a Sailor Moon sort of way) I decided this was fitting. In retrospect I probably should have told her "heroine," though.
While fishing that day Madeline stumbled upon Gulliver for the first time. I wouldn't be surprised if I missed him on an earlier day, though - she didn't check down here all that often prior to this.
Gulliver got up after being poked once and went into his usual spiel (this time claiming 5-no, 50!-pirates attacked his boat and tossed him overboard).
Since Madeline isn't a jerk she agreed to help him out when he had trouble remembering where he was headed.
Hmm...deserts, mummies, the Nile...clearly, Gulliver was headed to Greenland. That sounds about right, doesn't it?
Fortunately for Gulliver a sarcastic answer wasn't what he needed right now (and I don't think Greenland was even an option) and so I picked the obvious answer: Egypt. He thanked her for helping and then...strode around on the beach for a while as Madeline fished.
The fishing wasn't too good; it never is before 4 PM, as that's when all the really valuable fish come out. Nevertheless, she had an appointment to have Mira come over to her house.
As promised the previous "day," the Nooklings were expanding. Thankfully Madeline didn't need anything from them that day and carried on with the rest of her shopping.
Later, Peck became the first person to suggest a PWP, and it just so happened to be the police station. I wasn't expecting to get it THIS early on; I always saw it as a late-game addition. Peck is awesome (although I do wish he hadn't stolen Penelope's catchphrase).
Also it crossed over to 4 PM on that day, which provided enough valuable fish for Madeline to finish off paying her home loan.
Now that there's a good look at her, this would also be a good time to point out that my attempts to un-tan her don't seem to be working. Actually, it looks like she's getting darker. On one hand, I don't think it fits her character. On the other hand, it actually makes her look cuter than she already was, especially with her new dress and hairpin. I'm a bit torn here.
Moving on to the last notable happening of the two days; Madeline had Peck come on over to her house.
As with Mira's visit all went well, although the excuse Peck made for leaving was a bit silly (birds don't even have fingers, let alone thumbs).
For the "day's" final act, Madeline had Isabelle make the town flag the default stag beetle design. It'll likely remain that way for the remainder of Yuyake's time-travel period.
Yuyake's good progress continues, though I'm surprised no one's asked to move yet. In the meantime, I'm probably going to keep trying to un-tan Madeline, although if it doesn't work I might just leave her like that until tanning season is over (sadly, Yuyake's not going to make it there by the end of the time-travel period).
In case you're wondering why you haven't been seeing much of my villagers, it's mostly because I want to make these updates quick and most of them don't have anything notable to say. Once the time-travel period is over, they're likely to get more screentime.
Finally, there will be a Mabure update today; enough happened to make it worthwhile. That won't be for a little while yet, though. I have other things I want to do first.
Until the next one, folks.