Saturday, August 23, 2014

Unexpected Business in Mabure

Today's Mabure update is going to be pretty extensive as it's for all three of my characters (although the bulk of it is Avril's). Plus, a lot wound up happening, as tends to happen when I don't intend on posting about it.

My attempts to get one of my four favored villagers in my campsite has not been working out. In fact, no matter how many times I tried today, I couldn't get anyone to show up at all. I'm wondering if the game wised up to what I was trying to do, although it could simply be that I was unlucky.

In the end I gave up and just carried on as usual, not yet knowing that there was a lot about to going on.

The first sign of it was Eloise deciding she wanted to move. I did consider it as she has been here a while and is the villager that tends to get on my nerves most of the time.

But in the end I told her to stay. I'm completely happy with Mabure's arrangement of animals and don't want it to change anytime soon until I finally get my tenth, and Eloise is Avril's best friend after all. So I'm happy I turned the game on for this at least.

Then T.I.Y. had a new K.K. Slider song available. Not certain if I liked this song a whole lot, but Avril bought it for her collection anyway.

There was also a fortune cookie today. Sadly, it turned out to be yet another repeat.

Incidentally, I have the entire set of hero's clothes - the hat, the shirt, the pants, and the boots. Incidentally, that will make things very easy for me should Gracie decide she wants to see something iconic. As for this pair of boots, I eventually wound up selling it to Re-Tail alongside a bunch of other things that were clogging up Avril's inventory.

None of the other shops had anything interesting, so Avril headed back to town to find a lost book lying on the ground. I considered leaving it there for one of the other characters, but decided to just have Avril take care of it.

Sadly she wasn't lucky enough to find the owner on the first try. Though granted, I don't think Coach is much of a reader, unless it's an exercise book or something.

While going to ask Wendy about it, Avril found Bob had decided to drop by. Sadly she didn't have time for a party right now.

The book didn't belong to Wendy or Bob either. Their words of encouragement were only so useful in this task of trial and error.

 But thankfully Avril didn't have to keep looking for long as it belonged to the fourth person she asked, Flo.

The reward was a grape-stripe tee. While Avril is looking for clothing right now, that isn't quite what she had in mind.

After returning the lost item Avril went to visit Bluebear, who said this about Nagako.

I wanted to beat her senseless with a net right then and there despite not playing as Nagako. She's been in the town for well over a month at this point; she is most certainly NOT a new face! In fact, she's been here for longer than Bluebear has. Alas, I couldn't do a thing about this and since I have no idea what Avril thinks of Nagako otherwise I let it slide for now. Bluebear, or anyone else for that matter, better watch themselves if they say that to Nagako's face, however.

 There was a certain special visitor walking around that Avril had noticed earlier. While going to tend to this visitor's needs, she noticed Wendy had a flea on her. That was remedied posthaste. While I do like making sure my animals don't have to suffer from fleas (ever had a flea infestation in real life? It is not fun, let me tell you), the fact that it takes up an inventory slot and is worth a meager 70 bells is a little annoying.

Either way, Wendy asked Avril not to tell anyone about the flea, especially not Eloise. Which got very funny later on when Eloise pinged Avril....

 Apparently, fleas are trendy right now. Whether or not Eloise knew where that flea had come from, Avril was happy enough to give it to her. It was a trade, though I've forgotten what Eloise offered in return.

Now onto the special visitor, and it's Katie again with her first appearance in Mabure.

As it turned out she was here after Danielle brought her here from Camazotz; she even mentioned as such. As much as I didn't want to take her back to the place she left from, it wasn't like she had any other options.

So Avril and Katie waited for Danielle to open up her gates before riding the train over. Amazingly enough, Katie didn't drop her ticket on the way there as I believe she does when you bring her to a town she just visited.

Katie, thankfully, didn't seem to mind returning to Camazotz and was soon gone. I imagine she'll be bouncing between my two towns for a while until I can finally get some 3DS-friendly WiFi and take her to someone else's town.

Avril didn't stay long at all for there was nothing in Camazotz that interested her and I didn't want to risk dragging one of Camazotz's villagers over to Mabure. Instead she left Danielle a gift in the form of 50,000 bells to finish paying off the campsite as well as a silver shovel she had bought for just this purpose.

When she returned home she turned in for the night. This isn't the end of the update, however - I still have to cover Nagako and Rosaline, and they were just as busy as Avril.

I intended for Nagako to just talk to everyone once and go home, but then Coach pointed out that Gulliver had washed up onto the beach since I didn't think to look for him as Avril. Since I haven't spoken to him with either of my other characters I decided to have Nagako handle it today.

Catfish apparently are the next big thing if both Freckles in Camazotz and Wendy wanted one. She was asking the wrong person as Nagako's thing is bugs, not fish. Not to be outdone, Nagako agreed to the task anyway.

 While looking for it she continued speaking to villagers she hadn't already talked to. She intentionally talked to Rocco while holding an axe to see if he had anything funny to say about it, which it turned out he did. Fortunately for Rocco Nagako isn't that crazy, and Rocco's her current best friend anyway.

Savannah wanted a piece of fruit with no preference for a certain kind. Incidentally and very conveniently, Nagako happened to have two perfect apples right on her person.

 She handed one over to Savannah, who gave her a cream sofa as a reward. Again it's not something Nagako is really looking for, but seeing Savannah happy is a reward of its own.

Shortly afterwards Rocco wanted to talk to her some more, and decided to give Nagako a gold screen wall...despite the fact that she already has one. In fact, it's the wallpaper that's in her house right now. Ah well.

Nagako tried to catch a catfish for Wendy for a while, but after too long of not even seeing the right shadow size in the river's pool she instead decided to act on that tip from Coach and look for Gulliver.

She found the sea gull lying underneath a banana tree. As it turned out, he was still a bit out of it and it took some prodding to finally get him to his feet.

As this was the first time Nagako had ever spoken to Gulliver he had to explain his entire shtick to her. The short version was that he's a very accident-prone sailor with epic short-term memory loss. He begged her to help him remember where he was heading before he fell overboard.

Since she's a generally nice person like that she agreed to do what she could, inciting Gulliver to make a Paper Mario reference. Actually, I'm pretty sure he made several even before this point.

In one heck of a coincidence, the country he described just so happened to be extremely familiar to Nagako.

I find it really funny that Gulliver said this, as Nagako is actually from Japan, or at least a story set there. Of course this was on my mind first and foremost so I completely missed the fact that he appeared to be making a Zelda reference. This guy's just a walking shoutout, isn't he?

He thanked her for her assistance, told her he'd experience everything that was there, and even promised he would send her a souvenir. It'll certainly be something that fits her; the real question is whether or not it'll actually fit in her house. It has been getting kind of cramped lately.

Nagako then resumed the search for a catfish. She didn't succeed, but she did manage to come across and catch my favorite insect in the game: a petaltail dragonfly. These insects are so neat looking, if only because they're freaking huge. They're also really rare. Either way, Nagako would find a place for it as soon as she got home.

Mere seconds after she bagged the dragonfly, Rocco pinged her again. For a moment I thought he was going to want to buy said dragonfly, but as it turned out he just wanted to know what sort of animal Nagako thought he'd be.

 He is a hippo, and that was an option, but Nagako decided to humor him and say he'd be a dove. I imagine most know what doves are supposed to be a symbol of and therefore there was much irony in applying that to a cranky villager. Rocco's reaction wasn't quite what she expected, however.

After this she again tried to look for the catfish, but after not having any luck I eventually decided to switch to Rosaline in the hopes that waiting a little while would make the fish easier to find. So I went and did just that.

As it turned out Rosaline didn't have quite as much happen, although what did happen was still notable.
Rocco must have been feeling really chatty today for her pinged Rosaline.

He apparently thought his current greeting of "Pot O' Hippo" was a little too intimidating and asked for her to come up with something nicer.

 Rosaline came up with the provided greeting. Can't get much nicer than that, right? Although it's really not helping Rocco's reputation as a cranky villager, is it?

Most of the other villagers didn't have much to say. Actually, while Rosaline was out and about the town was surprisingly empty. I suspect it was because it's a Saturday and a certain someone is performing at Club LOL tonight.
Graham, however, told her he dreamed of a beautiful rainbow stag and asked her to catch one for him. This was the sort of request Nagako should have gotten. It's a rare bug, but Rosaline decided she was up for anything and agreed.

After a few minutes of wandering around and getting unlucky, I just decided to put it on the backburner and take a break, and maybe finish up the last part of the Camazotz update. I came back about an hour later as I needed to get Wendy and Graham their requests before they went to bed.

My plan worked, and Nagako caught the catfish within seconds of starting again. I wonder how long this thing's going to be trendy?

Sadly her reward wasn't much to write home about. An elephant tee just isn't Nagako's style.

Since she was finally completely done for the night she started to head back home, only for Rocco to ping her again...and ask the exactly same question he did earlier. Let me say that this really breaks the immersion when it happens.

This time Nagako just told him he'd be a hippo. It seemed to take him a moment to realize he actually was a hippo.

With that Nagako was finished and I switched back to Rosaline. As the rainbow stag is considerably rarer than the catfish I expected it to take a bit longer.

I couldn't be more mistaken. Rosaline barely took a few steps out of her house before finding a rainbow stag on a tree just outside her door. I'm not complaining about this, mind you; it's better than running around all night trying to find one.

Her reward was a crew's monitor. Sorry Graham, I know your heart's in the right place but Rosaline just isn't a sci-fi person. At least Rosaline could go to sleep without worrying about it, though.

Believe it or not, I'm still not done with Mabure. As I mentioned, it's a Saturday and I completely forgot about K.K. Slider. That being said, this blog format is not really the best way to demonstrate his performances and so I don't think I'll be making a special update about it. Besides, this post's long enough as it is.

That's all for this update. Until the next one, folks.

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