I wasn't going to make two updates, but it turns out Camazotz has a ton of pictures and so I decided it'd be better to split the posts up.
First off, a few things that didn't get pictures: Katie and Redd showed up in Camazotz again, oddly enough both on the same day. This time I didn't bother with either, mostly because I was feeling a little frustrated that day. Also, Camazotz's first attempted mover was Goose. I was tempted to let him leave, but ultimately told him to stay. Then I went and whacked Becky with the net for not wanting to move. Anyway, onto the picture gallery.
I took a picture of the conversation afterwards because I thought it was rather sweet. Keaton is going to be a permanent resident of Camazotz, and so I expect him to make good on his comments.
Here's the completed campsite. No camper on that day, though it's probably because it was just built. The ceremony for it would be held the following day as it was Sunday and that meant Camazotz's second fireworks show.
Danielle also managed to catch Shari asleep on that day.
Uchi villagers say the funniest things when you wake them up (though this isn't as good as when they exclaim "Woah! Giant fruit!").
Once again Shari proves she doesn't get out enough. Seriously, how many times have I shown off the inside of her house by now?
The bulletin update for the campsite, just in case you were wondering what that was like.
Joan also made her first appearance in Camazotz Sunday, like she always does in Animal Crossing. I don't think I've ever talked to her, actually; with the island being a much more reliable way to make tons of bells I just don't feel like the stalk market is worth it.
As much as I don't like Becky, she was the first one to request a public works project; in this case, the modern clock. I might actually put that down somewhere in Camazotz, though after thinking about it I think the standard park clock would work just as well.
Danielle's new silver shovel paid off Sunday as well, as all these ores show. Sadly they aren't going to be of much use for at least a little while longer, but at least they're worth lots of bells.
Since Danielle needed something to lift her lamp and mosquito off the floor she went and bought this modern cabinet. It didn't exactly fit in with the rest of her house, but it'd do.
Sunday's Sable conversation went like this, and it looks like it's gotten to the point where Sable's comfortable divulging personal stories to Danielle. Sadly Sable is pretty much the sole reason Danielle even stops by; their clothing selection has been pretty pitiful.
Afterwards Goose felt the need to give Danielle a cactus, making no attempt to not look creepy. Danielle doesn't quite swing that way, Goose.
Freckles asked Danielle if she wanted to be a pop star. Danielle did want to make herself known, but being that famous just doesn't sound like the life for her. The paparazzi are nutjobs, you know.
The following day, Keaton asked Danielle to deliver a package to Tiffany. Apparently the two got into a fight or something while Danielle wasn't looking, and Keaton wanted to make it up to Tiffany.
This was also the first day the pitfall got Danielle instead of the other way around. In case you didn't notice, this wasn't exactly one of her better days.
On the bright side, Camazotz got its first camper. We'll get to meet them in just a bit.
Keaton's gift took the form of a blue track jacket. Tiffany appeared to appreciate the gift.
Actually, she appreciated it so much that she tried it on right then and there. It actually does look nice on her.
The reward was the shirt she was wearing...right off her back. Um.
Then Danielle managed to overhear a conversation between Tiffany and Clay. Clay apparently likes to drink buttermilk through swirly straws, with Tiffany making the most hilarious expressions. You can practically hear the sarcasm.
This actually made me like her a little more. At any rate, I think I'll keep her around longer than Becky.
Then Keaton wanted Danielle to give him a new greeting. Given that he looks like a parrot...well, nothing else was fitting.
There was also a lost item on that day. Danielle left it there for a while while she tended to other things.
Labor Day is next Monday. I'm not certain how that'll play out in Animal Crossing, though it's probably likely Isabelle will be out in the plaza and therefore no mayoral work will get done that day. Le sigh.
Nookling Junction just happened to be carrying a strange item that day. Hopefully Clay didn't decide to drop in, because who knows what he would have thought of it. Though I've heard hamster villagers don't have any qualms actually putting this in their house.
Monday was also the day Sable and Mable told Danielle some backstory about their family in the form of spoilers for City Folk. I've never played that game though and don't plan on it since I've heard it's the weakest entry in the series so it's not a problem for me (though by the sounds of things the special characters are all very fleshed out).
Also on that day: pffffft. What are the odds?
After lots of diddling around, Danielle finally went to meet the camper. Sadly it turned out to be someone she didn't think would contribute much to Camazotz.
Blanche is a snooty who came to a town with two snooties already, and while I would have probably let her stay if she moved in instead of Becky I decided she wasn't worth the effort of making her stay.
Then it came time to find who that lost item belonged to.
In an amazing anticlimax, the owner happened to be standing right there. It was Goose's training sandbag. Well, it's better than running around the whole town.
The reward was a dragon suit, which is actually a neat-looking piece of clothing.
Clay also wanted to visit Danielle on that day. She agreed to the meeting since she went to visit him some time ago. Might as well repay the favor.
The meeting was scheduled for 1:30 PM.
Then after that Clay decided he wanted to call her "Cookie." Since it was a much better name than the ones T-Bone and Tiffany came up with Danielle decided to roll with it.
Then it finally came time for the ceremony for the campsite's completion. Tiffany's hiding behind the tree on the far right, I think.
After all of that, Danielle finally told Keaton Tiffany had received her present. He seemed relieved that Tiffany appeared to be giving him a second chance.
How did the meeting with Clay go? Clay stood Danielle up, much to Danielle's annoyance. Between this and another incident later on (where he tried selling Danielle something she delivered to him), I decided that I wasn't much interested in keeping him around either. Lazies can do better than this.
Then Freckles wanted Danielle to grab her an orange...which don't grow in Camazotz and therefore would require Danielle to head over to Mabure to grab one.
Since I didn't feel like going through that trouble Danielle turned her down. Freckles then went the guilt-tripping route, but Danielle was dead set and didn't budge.
Shari thankfully had an easier favor; she wanted something to replace her table lamp.
In the process of carrying that favor out Danielle bumped into Phineas for the first time and was awarded the Insect Maniac badge. Given that she spends more time bug-hunting than fishing, it was fitting.
While at home rummaging through her locker for something for Shari, she tried on the dragon suit Goose had given her earlier. She kept it, but didn't keep it on.
The item Shari received turned out to be a Raja Brooke Butterfly Danielle had caught earlier. Shari seemed a little unused to the idea, but accepted the butterfly and gave Danielle a righty desk in return.
Later that day Danielle came back to do some other things. After Clay pulled that stupid "I bought an extra of this item, please buy it off me" trick I mentioned earlier and made me want to beat him senseless with the net, I decided that this game was wearing me out and so didn't bother playing it at all on Wednesday.
Thankfully, the repercussions as far as Camazotz went were limited to some extra weeds and three wilted flowers, all of which were dealt with. As for today's notable updates....
Sable received her new sewing machine and decided it'd be better if she let Danielle use it once in a while. Now Danielle is free to find some path patterns, a town flag, and maybe some custom clothing she likes off the internet and bring them to Camazotz. That being said, she didn't take advantage of it right away. I'm going to need a second character (and possibly a third) for handing paths, and I don't have any ideas for a flag or clothing designs right now.
Merengue got shafted the last time I played and so Danielle made it a point to speak to her first. She wanted an ocean fish for study purposes.
After that Danielle made her way to the Nookling's, where she bought a slightly more fitting sleek sideboard to replace her modern cabinet.
Danielle tried to catch something rare for Merengue, but after dragging in three cans she decided a simple clownfish would get the job done. Plus it'd look nice in Merengue's house.
The reward was a capsule-toy machine; just another one of those things Danielle would never find a use for and wind up selling later on down the line.
While finding the clownfish, Danielle also found Gulliver had crashed up on Camazotz's shore for the first time.
Gulliver acted more or less the same as he did when he met Nagako last update. The only real difference was that he remembered his name right off the bat instead of having to remind himself.
He was even headed to the same place. Guess he really likes Japan.
There was a camper today in the form of yet another snooty, though this time it was an elephant named Opal. I guess the game knows I don't like either of my two current snooties that much, but again I passed. I already have Eloise in Mabure; I don't need two towns with snooty elephants in them.
Keaton was the second to request an out-of-town fruit, and Danielle turned him down just like she did to Freckles. Once again I didn't feel like firing up my other 3DS just for a simple task when there wasn't any point to it.
Later in the day Danielle talked to some villagers she had missed earlier, namely Shari (who happened to be outside her house for once). In this case, Shari wanted to know what Camazotz's skills at muay Thai were. I have absolutely no idea what the heck "muay Thai" is, and as such Danielle decided she would be dead-last at it.
Updates from here on out are probably going to be pretty sporadic as I'm still rather burnt out, but hopefully it won't be as long between this update and the next update as it was between the previous update and this one. Now that Danielle has the sewing machine, she may actually start making some progress towards Camazotz's final state.
Actually, I still have a Mabure update to post, so it won't be long at all until the next update. Keep your eyes peeled.
Until the next one, folks.
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