Mabure didn't suffer at all for the day I took a break; the beautiful town ordinance protected the flowers and kept weeds away, and no one felt like moving away without warning me first.
That being said, Savannah tried to move out the last day I played, and Wendy also planned on moving (again). As I like both of them and am completely happy with Mabure's villagers right now I told both to stay.
Big, poofy clouds in Mabure...I think this was Sunday? I'm not certain if this is a sign of rain or whatever, but they're certainly a sight to see.
I think this was something Avril got from doing a favor, though I don't remember who it was from or what the favor was. Either way, the shirt was sold to Re-Tail some time later.
Another new K.K. song appeared in T.I.Y., which Avril of course bought.
Bluebear apparently wants to try bungee-jumping after Avril told her she'd like to try it (out of three given options, that is. I don't really see Avril as that adventurous).
Graham wanted a new greeting, so I gave him the first thing that came to my head that fit the mad scientist I see him as. Guess he's Victor Frankenstein now.
Apparently the rest of Avril's day wasn't that notable, for my next couple pictures feature Rosaline and Nagako. Avril picked up a classic bookcase that looked like it would fit her, and as it turns out it looks nicer than the classic buffet she had before. It fits her character better, at any rate.
Apparently, Rocco wants to be a gardener. Whatever suits you, Rocco.
Bob's lucky he didn't say this to Rosaline outside, otherwise she would have beaten him senseless with her net. Fortunately for the both of them the worst Rosaline could do was just steam at him.
Now onto Nagako. First off is the souvenir she received from Gulliver; a miniature Pagoda model. She didn't display it despite it being fitting as she really didn't have any room for it.
Onto the next day, where Savannah asks Avril for a piece of fruit.
And also says something funny when given said fruit. Savannah is adorable; I'm amazed she isn't more popular. She deserves it. Anyway, Avril got a pastel-stripe tee for a reward.
Also Redd showed up in Mabure that day. I completely forgot about him and completely missed him, though. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've forgotten about him the last couple times he showed up.
Sadly, the requests that require visiting another town have also come to Mabure. As with Danielle in Camazotz I'm making it a point to turn these down unless there's something I absolutely need to do with one character in the other's town on that day. Sorry I couldn't help you, Bob.
On a lighter note Rocco wanted Avril to come visit him, to which she agreed because they're good friends and I personally like him a lot.
And on a lighter note still, I got a camper without having to reset for one. Campsite resetting is a pain, let me tell you.
And now for some funny comments Rocco made while Avril was visiting and after she left. To be fair, his house is looking pretty good at the moment.
After leaving Rocco's Avril went to check out the villager. Unfortunately it wasn't someone she was interested in. I don't really mind the mice, but I don't think they'd fit in Mabure and currently I have two peppy villagers. I didn't need a third.
Afterwards, Wendy wanted Avril to bury a time capsule for her.
Avril put it right at the upper end of Mabure's beach. In real life it'd probably get washed away, but in Animal Crossing this will do. It helps that down here she won't wind up confusing it for anything else.
Wendy was happy to hear that it had been buried. We'll see when she wants it unburied again.
Then Rocco wanted that pastel-stripe tee Savannah gave her some days ago.
He got his wish, especially since he was offering bells and not a different item.
Then Savannah came up with a new nickname for Avril instead of the nickname she was calling her - "Princess."
Avril just told her to call her "Avril." I think it's obvious why that name feels right.
Later, Bob's eyes fell upon a flea (I don't remember who had it originally) and decided he wanted it. Are fleas trendy these days or something?
I've seriously lost track of which of these happened today and which happened on previous days. I guess this is why I usually make daily updates. Anyway, this was an interesting floor T.I.Y. had on sale. Avril didn't buy it, though.
She did buy the new K.K. song they had on display, as well as that fortune cookie.
It turned out to be a repeat. I almost never get new items from doing this, and yet I keep trying. I know I don't have all of the Nintendo items.
Then Eloise wanted some fruit. Avril brought her a perfect apple (I think), and in return was awarded an asteroid. Weird gift there, Eloise.
Then Eloise wanted to change her catchphrase. I think she didn't like her previous one since she had a tendency to act really jerkish in the time since she's had it, so I happily changed it to something more befitting of an elephant.
The following updates definitely did take place today, and so I'll mention something I didn't take a picture of: I got another camper without having to reset, and this time it was Hugh the lazy pig. I was really, really tempted to invite him in, but never got around to it.
Also today I was thinking about ways to make this game more interesting for myself, and I came to conclusion that Avril needed a makeover. She's been wearing her previous outfit for quite a while now; it's time for something new. After some rummaging through the closet and the first visit to Shampoodle Avril has made in a long while....
Isn't Avril just a pretty princess now? I think I'll have her stick with this look for a while.
Sadly, Avril apparently didn't have much else happen to her today, so let's move on to Nagako.
Rocco wanted her to deliver something to Coach, which turned out to be a pipe stool of all things. The reward was actually something that'd fit in with her other furniture, but sadly she couldn't find room for it.
Then Savannah asked her to find a napoleonfish. Again, Nagako is the bug person of Mabure. That being said, despite my doubts and the napoleonfish being rare, she agreed to the task.
As hard as she tried, Nagako could not find one. After going to the island to avoid mosquitoes and looking around for several hours, her search proved fruitless. All Savannah got from Nagako was an angry glare for making her go through that.
On the plus side, the stuff she did find was enough to raise her savings to over one million. This in turn prompted a visit from Phineas, who awarded Nagako with the Avid Bell Saver badge. So something good came out of the whole ordeal.
That's all I have for Mabure today. Given how I lost track of which pictures occurred on which day, I think I should probably go back to making daily updates. Then again, I'm not certain if I'll be up to that task and it's likely I'll wind up burning out again. But hopefully that won't mean I'll wind up stop updating this blog.
Until the next one, folks.
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