Since the last post was a bit depressing, it might be a bit of a contrast to learn there's a party in Mabure today. It's Flo's birthday, and I don't see the point in being a downer and not attending. While I attended it with all three of my characters, the honor of actually recording it goes to Rosaline since she gets the least spotlight out of the three.
She'd already ordered Flo's present...well, presents. She would deliver one of them personally. The other, a pair of fishnet stockings (which happen to be a part of Rosaline's normal outfit) got dropped off by Nagako's place for delivery later on.
On her way to buy wrapping paper Rosaline stumbled upon this odd group of items. These are all that remain of Camazotz, dropped off here by Danielle so that they weren't lost forever. They'll go back home with the mayor of the new town once I establish it.
As far as Rosaline was concerned they were fairly meaningless. She just went on her merry way to T.I.Y. to buy some wrapping paper. As soon as she'd finished prepared the present, she made her way to Flo's house.
No, Flo. Rosaline actually intended to steal your cake and leave. Why else would she bother to show up? In all seriousness, Rosaline isn't that much of a party pooper. Indeed, she actually planned to liven things up a bit.
Flo made no mention to wanting a present when Rosaline spoke to her directly, but that didn't stop her from giving her one.
Though it probably didn't reflect all that well on Rosaline, for it happened to be the same shirt she was currently wearing. To be fair, Flo's preferences didn't really give me a whole lot of options, and it just so happened the corseted shirt was the only one out of four items I actually had access to that matched both her requirements (not to say that she didn't enjoy the gifts Avril and Nagako brought her).
Conceited or not, Flo appreciated the gesture....
...Enough to put the shirt on the second she was done talking to Rosaline. Now that there's three people in this town wearing the corseted shirt (Savannah is the third; Avril got her to take up the style as shown in the first Mabure update of this blog), I wonder if it'll become Mabure's next big style?
Apparently, Flo's best friend in town was Bob. Not too surprising, the lazy villagers tend to be easy to get along with, and I doubt Bob has any real objections to Flo's roughness.
Of course it isn't a party without dancing. Sadly Rosaline had no way of skipping around while whistling the town tune like the villagers, so she had to settle for the Shrunk Funk Shuffle.
The party went splendidly enough, with everyone enjoying themselves to at least some degree.
However, Rosaline couldn't stick around forever. If nothing else, Nagako had yet to visit Flo and I can't play as both her and Rosaline at the same time. So Rosaline had to leave, but not before Flo thanked her for dropping by and promising to pay her back for the present. She really didn't need to; it is her birthday, after all. But I guess that's how things work in Animal Crossing.
The weather didn't let up at all, though. In fact, the dark clouds turned into a full-fledged thunderstorm while Rosaline was busy partying. Guess the shadow of Camazotz's end lingers even over this joyous occasion.
Normally I'd end the update there, but as you probably noticed it's been a few days since the last update. So I figured I'd post the most notable events that have happened around Mabure over the last couple days.
Avril's also taken to watering the flowers again despite Mabure's being a beautiful town since the grass is really worn down and that's going to make getting snowman stuff a major hassle if it's not rectified. It's also had the effect of changing what the villagers think of Avril, as Bob so kindly points out here.
Bluebear having Savannah over to visit. Neither of them had much interesting to say to Avril, though. This shot also shows just how horrid Bluebear's house is looking right now; I'm considering obtaining everything she had originally and giving it back to her or at least making the place look livable.
Savannah tends to be the biggest flea magnet of Mabure, for some reason. Maybe Savannah should get her house checked for signs of infestation? It's clearly not her personal hygiene that's the problem here.
Speaking of Savannah's house, here it is with Bob over. The Astro Bed is a bit out of place, but other than that it actually doesn't look too bad. Also, Shrunk Funk Shuffle.
Nagako got the chance to visit Bluebear and personally tell her just what I think of her current decor (though I wasn't outright insulting; I never pick the bottom option no matter how bad the villager's house looks.
She also changed Coach's catchphrase from "cutlet" to "beefy." I'm running out of Massif Bros. references here.
Eloise wanted her to catch an arapaima. Apparently Mabure sees Nagako as the fishing star when I intended for her to be a bug person. Either way, this request was fulfilled surprisingly easily since Nagako had two of the ruddy things in storage. Sadly the reward wasn't much worth it.
On the same day as the above Rocco wanted a new piece of furniture for his house.
Nagako gave him this Bullet Bill Launcher since she wasn't going to use it. It actually looks rather nice with the rest of his furniture and is far more fitting than the shirt he had there before.
A funny story: The very day after the Gracie visit in the last Mabure update, Labelle finally saw it fit to stock the one non-Gracie modern accessory. Then Avril finds this in the Able Sisters a day after that. Why didn't they have these when I needed them?
*Grumbles* Gracie....
Avril also managed to catch Flo asleep. Waking her up resulted in this funny exchange.
On the last day of the Fireworks Festival I got temporary access to a 3DS-friendly WiFi access point and used the opportunity to update Mabure's dream. I believe the only major change from the previous dream is Avril's appearance, but it had been a while and I didn't want the dream to get deleted. Sadly Mabure doesn't get much traffic (those two visits were made a long while ago, though I've been informed that I got a third one).
I could have used the opportunity to get Camazotz a dream, but besides the fact that the town no longer exists I still hadn't unlocked the PWP at this time, and wouldn't be able to due to the final fireworks show and Labor Day being back-to-back for the entire time (since Isabelle would be out in the plaza when her being inside the town hall is necessary for unlocking the PWP). It wasn't too much of a loss since Camazotz really wasn't in a presentable state.
Avril had skipped out on most of the month's fireworks shows but she did see it fit to attend the last one.
If she didn't have any other reason, there was still a Redd's Cookie item she was missing - the Ten Billion Barrel. It didn't take her a horribly long time to obtain it.
She stuck it up in her random odds-and-ends room with the rest of the fireworks items, and that was that. The rest of her time was spent actually enjoying the festival rather than constantly trying her luck with Redd's Cookies.
Is it just me, or are mosquitoes much more common during the fireworks show? I ran into a ton of them; at one point there was two coming after Avril at one time.
And that was a wrap. Why the Fireworks Show took up the entire month instead of being a one-time event is beyond me, but whatever.
The following day was Labor Day, which was really nothing to write home about. Basically the only thing that was different that day was that Isabelle's out in the plaza wearing a cute dress with a special facial standee.
At least it gave her an excuse to give Avril a picnic basket.
Which wasn't something Avril was interested in, like most items in this game.
On that day Graham also sent her a letter with these silver shades attached. They actually went well with the rest of Avril's outfit and so she made it a point to keep them on for the entire day.
Bob also wanted to hang out that day, and since it'd been a while since she'd last made a formal visit to his house she agreed.
Bob's house is also one of the nicest looking in Mabure. He still has most of his original furniture, but nothing he's added since really clashes with the theme (except maybe for that flea...).
Though he seemed to think of his dorado as a potential food source. Also, I don't have any clue what "filled with precious friends" is supposed to mean and I doubt Bob does either.
She told him his house was great upon leaving, for reasons mentioned earlier.
Not long after Rocco wanted to visit Avril's house.
Since Avril's house is so big it's kind of annoying leading villagers around it (especially since they insist on seeing every room before they leave), but this day Avril decided to have him over.
It also gives me an excuse to show off the other rooms of Avril's house. This here is a forest-themed room; the fish up to the north are supposed to represent a river, with bugs, potted plants, and other furniture meant to represent the rest of the forest. The wallpaper came from a QR code, though I don't remember exactly where I picked it up at (and I'm probably going to replace it once I get my hands on the jungle wallpaper...which, sadly, requires getting all the bugs in the game. Joy of joys).
This is Avril's bedroom, with something of a...I don't know the exact word. Baroque? Medieval church?...feel to it. I need to throw a sofa or something in front of the fireplace once I find something suitable.
This here is what I call the shark room. As you can see it has all four sharks (normal shark, hammerhead shark, whale shark, and saw shark), as well as a healthy gathering of other sea life and sea shells, paired with some pirate and mermaid furniture.
I have no idea what I was aiming for with this room. The original idea was to make it a "sky ocean," with a boat model in the center surrounded by fish, but I don't think there is a boat model in the game. So instead I threw a bunch of random stuff together and tried to make it look good.
And the basement, with all the stuff I don't want to get rid of yet don't have room in my closet for. Sadly the basement's been overly full for a while now and so's the closet. At least when I'm done with this freaking fashion checks I can get rid of most of this clothing.
And that was it for Rocco's visit. Since the basement is almost always the last room I show to visitors I like to think that they take one look at it and decide it's time to get out.
Avril then went to visit Wendy...only to find that she was sick that day. She then quickly left to go fetch some medicine.
She gave it to Wendy soon afterwards. As of this typing Wendy's still sick, although she'll hopefully recover soon. She was actually the first villager in Mabure to get sick, and wound up with the dubious honor of being the first villager to get sick twice.
Later that night Avril took the opportunity to catch some of the new wildlife that shows up in September.
Then Flo heard about turf wars in another town, decided she wanted some of that, and told Avril she was moving.
Of course Avril didn't let her; her birthday was very soon and it was worth keeping her around for that. Plus, "turf wars" are not what Flo (or other Uchi villagers, for that matter) think they are, and they are not pleasant.
All the September bug hunting was enough for Phineas to drop by and give Avril the Insect Encyclopedia badge. This would probably be something more fitting for Nagako, but whatever.
Graham realizes blood-sucking pests are not fashionable.
Avril gave him a kettle, which was much more fitting for the aesthetic of his room, and received an alpine lamp in return.
Savannah also wanted a new greeting that night, and got a rather goofy one (though it's also one she's had before).
...Nagako isn't certain if she wants to be a part of that.
Speaking of Nagako, she's redecorated her house a bit to make things less cluttered and better representative of her love of bugs. I think it worked out nicely enough.
Before going to Flo's, Savannah gave Avril the request for the garbage can PWP; another thing that's not getting built. Besides the fact that it's one of the PWPs that has a negative effect on town rating, all three of my characters have garbage cans and the villagers aren't messy enough to warrant a public one.
And now that's a wrap. The next update's probably going to be a Mabure one, although an update about the new town isn't too far out of the question.
Until the next one, folks.
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